< 1 minute This bit of news comes close on the heels of signs from Redmond on progressive builds of the latest and perhaps the greatest of Microsoft’s releases in a while (at least since XP) – Windows 7. News around the blogs and tech sites are exclaiming that leaked copies of the first Release Candidate (RC1) are …
Remove Attachments in Apple Mail ⌘
< 1 minute Right under my nose all the time, and never did I actually care to look for it, but rather bemoaned the lack of a “remove attachments” feature in Apple Mail. You see, I was looking in all the “wrong” places, namely in the contextual menu when one right clicks an email in Apple Mail. Other …
How to edit the Normal template in Mac Word 2008
< 1 minute As I began to rely solely on Word 2008 for my needs, I found myself messing around with the app to customize it to my needs. One of the first and most basic issues I faced from the get-go was using my own “Normal.dotm” template, as well as my letterhead. I could of course double …
Time Warner Caps Dropped! Victory!
< 1 minute We won! Perhaps… but it is a start. Time Warner has dropped its plans to enforce Bandwidth caps across Texas and NY! Though with caveats, this is a great day! And that too, after I had ranted on in the previous post. Seems Senator Schumer’s displeasure was the push needed to bring down this ill-conceived …
Time Warner bandwidth caps in Texas and NY
3 minutes In this age of ubiquitous Internet access, not to mention the plethora of content that has been migrated from more traditional delivery media, to online repositories (read Hulu, CBS, etc), it is preposterous to even conceive, much less bring into regulation, that which is anathema for all dedicated, educated web users, namely Bandwidth Caps. I …
We didn’t start the flame war…
< 1 minute Epic lulz…. Just could not stop laughing. If you frequent Digg, or any of the other such copycat sites, you’d know why… FTW!
The latest Macbook Air killer falls flat – Dell Adamo
< 1 minute A very interesting article on this much awaited “Macbook Air killer”. Engadget dismisses this upstart with a low rating and a much deserved slapping around. Read here. $2000+ for this monstrosity, please… …but you’ve got to be pretty shallow to spend $2000 on a system and not care how it performs.