Presenting the newly reconstructed Tim Sodhi’s Weblog! Featuring mods of a numerous themes available, as well as some of my own hacks thrown in, this is the new face of my blog. Welcome one and all.
It has been forever since I updated the look and feel of my blog. Truth is, the previous theme I created seemed to fit my needs just fine. I couldn’t really find another that would match its simplicity and style. That, along with the inherent ennui that tends to take over once one is settled into a fine groove, made updates to the theme seem like too much work. But all one needs is a bit of patience and time, and here we are.
I particularly like the new simplistic style, clean lines, layout as well as the color scheme for this theme. So ladies and gentlemen, say Hello to the new look! Cheers.
I like it. You took forever to update the layout. How are you guys doing?