Star Trek – the reboot & rebirth

2 minutes

The most widely anticipated and sought after film in the Trekker-dom, this film could not have been built up enough in my head. Rissa will testify that as the days counted down to the 05/08 release, I just have been going nuts – humming the intro music to the Original Series, talking like Shatner, interpretive dances and the like. One would think that after all this anticipation and building up, the movie would have to be a disappointment. But there, my dear reader you’d be completely wrong. The new Star Trek movie just blows the franchise into territory no other movie has gone before. It is slick, fast-paced, exciting, action-packed, thrilling, ribald, in short, nearly all things to all people.

Testament to how much Rissa enjoyed it – she’s humming the intro music as well. And she does not like the Original series at all, or Star Trek for that matter.

Anyway, back to the movie. It was just so exciting to see the characters we grew up with (albeit TOS originally aired nearly 20 years before I was born), played so perfect by the new cast. All through the movie I found myself comparing the mannerisms, the settings, in short everything, to TOS. JJ Abrams did a great job with reimagining the series and even though he has taken a few liberties (including a great development), the movie will be enjoyed by Trekkers far and wide.

Me, I can’t wait till it comes out on Blu-ray! Live long and prosper.


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