Journal articles and all that

3 minutes

Phew what a day this has been. How great is it, to sit down, and relax, knowing that the deadline you’d set for yourself this day, has been met, and then some? This was a day replete with fevered writing spells and worry over the short breaks I did manage to squeeze in. Rob had set a deadline for the Development AIOs last Monday, to submit the full sized journal article by 17:00 on the 9th of March. The article (which was not to exceed 5000 words, excluding references) would have to be complete in all regards, as if ready for submission. A tall order indeed – it took me until Wednesday to finalize my mindmap for the same, and then get into a fevered writing pitch.

I am glad to report that as of today, all is back on track, the word count has exceeded the limit set (by around 1500 words), but it shouldn’t be a problem to cut the same down to match the journals we have shortlisted. A minor incident today – there was apparently a plan to hold a peer review session in the ApeCage today, organized by my supervisor. Christian tells me that she was not very pleased that I didn’t show up for the same (due to my staying at home this day – home working). The irony of the fact that I was the one pushing for it, is not lost on me. However, after the debacle at the office yesterday, I felt I really must stay at home and endeavor to get back on track with my schedule. Which I am glad to report, I have.

Met FJB the other day regarding my new responsibilities as the OU Endnote specialist. It turns out, that she knew no more than I did, about what my role shall be. But as the old adage goes, “when in doubt, call on RKP”!

So there ya have it, the reason why I have not been able to keep up with my daily blog updates. It can all mostly be accredited to my attempts to get the article finished, well and truly on time.

Tomorrow evening the Development AIOs have planned an outing with the Research AIOs. The only people from the Dev team who are going, are the ones who have already finished (or very nearly so) their journal articles. This basically leaves me out of the loop. I shall unfortunately not be able to join the group for dinner tomorrow at Maastricht. What a shame. But then again, the timing was most inappropriate. Oh well have fun ya guys!

That is all for today, today’s really been OK! Now for some Emiliana Torrini and then to bed!



4 thoughts on “Journal articles and all that

  1. Hey leah,
    Yeah it’s all planned out. She’s gonna be here from the 24th! How awesome is that!? Thanks and take care

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