The Bubble Guy of Allen Street

2 minutes The Bubbles Guy of Allen Street, known best as The Bubble Guy, has been bringing smiles to faces of countless, and has been brightening up the day (and the sky) for many, since about seven years now, with the simple act of blowing bubbles from his third storey apartment on the corner of Allen and … 


WordPress automatic upgrade fails – solution

< 1 minute If faced with a non-starter upgrade process when trying to auto-update to the latest version of WordPress (from 2.7 to 2.7.1 for instance), make sure your server can handle PHP5. Adding the following line to .htaccess file on your root (between the # BEGIN WordPress and #END WordPress lines) will ensure the upgrade succeeds. AddType … 


New look…

< 1 minute Presenting the newly reconstructed Tim Sodhi’s Weblog! Featuring mods of a numerous themes available, as well as some of my own hacks thrown in, this is the new face of my blog. Welcome one and all. It has been forever since I updated the look and feel of my blog. Truth is, the previous theme … 


Coda SVN support with Versions

3 minutes For the unlucky few who don’t have SVN (Subversion) repositories set up for them: hosting one’s own SVN repositories might be the only solution. While Leopard ships with Apache2 and SVN support, enabling and configuring the same is tedious. This site walks through the entire process. For my needs though, I chose Versions, a commerical … 


MacBook Pro Pr0n

2 minutes As promised here are the much anticipated porn pics – of the MacBook Pro kinds. The tease, strutting its stuff. Oh la la la! Naughty naughty! Does Stevie know? The Money shot! Am partial to the tops anyways. And that concludes this presentation. Time to bring your pulses down a bit… stay tuned for more…


iLife ’09 and Face Detection in iPhoto

3 minutes I have been asked numerous times in the last few weeks how I feel about the new iLife 2009 suite, and I have been noncommittal at best due to lack of time to actually work with the apps. No more, I say. The last few days I have delved deep into the app usage, and … 


Duplicate Mount Points after improper restart in Leopard

2 minutes This has been happening since a long time now. Sometimes when I need to cold-boot my Leopard installations, I log back in to my Desktop just to see everything has gone awry. Preferences for all my applications have been reset and my Documents are nowhere to be found. My only solution then had been to …