Updates to the site…

< 1 minute I undertook a poignant journey down the road this evening, updating my current blog with posts from my iWeb blog from back in the day (not so far away). Reading of my excesses at the Winter School in Innsbruck last year, brought a smile to my visage. Snow angels, a multitude of brews and a … 


Theater and a concert

2 minutes I have been meaning to blog of late, but due to the pressing demands of work and the relaxation that follows at home, I have been unable to garner enough time and enthusiasm to blog one out. What follows is an apology post – of sorts. On the sixth of this month, Rissa and I … 


XSlimmer – trim the fat

2 minutes I recently decided to give those "How-to-make-my-mac-go-faster" self help articles a shot. I usually steer clear of these articles/videos, for most of them assume a pedantic tone in peddling their hardly sage advice, and rather turn me off. But the other day I had the good fortune of reading one such article, which was devoid … 


Black Friday and new hosts!

2 minutes The wonderful Thanksgiving feast being over, the day after is celebrated across the land with a fit of shopping frenzy aptly named "Black Friday". Retailers chop their margins razor thin to move their inventory, and attract customers by the droves for the holiday blowout extravaganza. If one is canny and spry, one can end up … 


Unison – backing up and restoring the app

2 minutes It is common knowledge that after Tally reintroduced me to the world of NNTP, I have come to depend on News for my very life. An endless source of latest distros and what not, the NNTP experience can be as good as, or as horrid as your News Reader. For ages I had relied on … 


OSX and Trophy wives

< 1 minute Overheard in a conversation this afternoon. “OS X now that’s like a trophy wife. She doesn’t cook or clean, do anything useful with her time, and throws hissy fits, but you keep her around… because oh look, so pretty”. Pretty much sums it up. Shame on me, swinging from one extreme to the other. Oh … 


Back to the basics

< 1 minute In a move sure to shock the legions, Tim moved, fully and completely back to Windows Vista. Shocked onlookers were observed remarking “This is a temporary reversal, he’ll be back”, while others in the sphere were seen thumb-in-mouth, curled up in the fetal position, muttering “what will become of us”. Yes, things were sure stirred …