Seattle baby!

< 1 minute Reached here safe and sound, and none worse for the wear! I have reached the hotel, Homestead Studio Suites some 25 hours after I had started from Heerlen. What a country, what a city! More later, after I manage to recover from the Jet lag, including pictures of course! Was so amazing to talk with … 


Off to Seattle!

< 1 minute Just a precious few hours before my flight departs from Schiphol, and onwards to the IMSGLC quarterly meet at Seattle. I am really looking forward to this trip and the chance of networking with like-minded cognoscenti of the Learning world. It shall be indeed a great opportunity to collaborate with my peers and gather some … 


The Gallery is up!

< 1 minute As the man said! The Gallery is up! Find the pix from Rissa’s trip at /gallery/ or just cliccy the Gallery link up there… Yep that’s the stuff.


Back again…

4 minutes And just so much more in love… what a wondrous feeling… Rissa and I just spent three of the most amazing weeks together, living life as a couple, enjoying the simpler pleasures of a "coupled" life like – going grocery shopping together, shopping for clothes, cooking for each other, visiting different cities, or just lazing … 


Clusterf*** to Vista

3 minutes With a lot of shame and a lot of sadness I must convey my heartfelt sympathies on the demise of Windows Vista on my System. The spawn of evil, the crux and root of all that is bad, Vista killed my system, and took with it, one of my precious HDDs. The saga begins on … 


Disillusioned, disappointed.

< 1 minute And I wish it were just a song. But could things get any crappier than they already are? The last few days I have been wresting with conditions and situations that have developed at work, which just progressively get worse as the days go by. The whole incongruity of the treatment meted out to the …