2 minutes The battle was hard-fought and indeed, I tried to stick by Panic.com’s Unison for as long as I could, but eventually I had to give in, and I proclaim the prominence and sing the virtues of a new Newsgroup Binary Client for every platform – SABnzbd. If you download Binaries from the NNTP, be it …
Syncing Apps via Dropbox on OSX – HOWTO
4 minutes I must admit I am one of the later adopters of the sensation rocking the world – DropBox. Until recently, I was convinced that I really didn’t need FileSync over and above what my trusty External HDD provides. I work extensively on my MacBook Pro at work, and back home I have my trusty Hackintosh …
Chameleon 2 RC3 & EFI String Graphics Issues
2 minutes So I am back from an extended road-trip with former colleagues from the Netherlands. It was an enjoyable trip that took us 1300 miles from home to Catskill, New York, and Washington DC, and back again, with stops here and there. I am headed back to work after a long break, and I must admit …
Boot 132 Snow Leopard finally here.
< 1 minute Seems that booting the retail Snow Leopard DVD on a Hackintosh is now possible with a new release of Boot132. Insanelymac has more information. I am going to try this later this week.
Snow Leopard on Gigabyte 965P-DS3 or DS4 motherboard, a brief guide.
8 minutes This post has been a long time coming. I had promised something on these lines the previous week when I managed to boot my Hackintosh (see specs) in Snow Leopard. Like almost everyone, I installed from Leopard on to another partition. Wrought with its own challenges, this is however, the easiest way of getting Snow …
Snow Leopard on 965P-DS3 or DS4 – 64 Bit goodness!
< 1 minute It’s here, and it is spectacular. The proof is in the pudding. More details to follow – installation guides, and kexts etc. In the meantime, search for 965P-DS4 on InsanelyMac. W00t.
Finally, Retail Leopard on Gigabyte 965P-DS3
4 minutes Not a how-to A lot has happened in the OSX86 world. From its humble beginnings back in 2006, when it was the playground of the extremely talented few, and OSX installations were wrought with issues, to the “boom” period when large number of “distros” were the call of the day, and industrious users created their …