Welcome to a new home & a new domain!

< 1 minute The transition is complete! The old blog has been moved to the current address, and all are advised to refresh the feeds. Of course, the old blog will always redirect here, and so will the individual articles (from Google). The process was quite straightforward, and included a lot of SQL, as well as copying of … 


WRT54G2 – a cheap Wireless Adapter for the XBox 360

3 minutes Success! After Drew in our office pointed me to a Gizmodo article mentioning how to create a cheap Wireless Device for the XBox 360 using custom firmware, I was all raring to give it a go. As one might know, an XBox Wireless Adapter retails for around a hundred dollars, and even with smart bargain … 


Uploading images to WordPress = FAIL?

< 1 minute From the start, whenever I tried to upload a larger file to WordPress from an external editor, I always ran into an “500 Internal Server Error”. Just how many images etc did I have to scale down because of this, I alone know. I decided to get off my bum and research this a bit, … 


Trying out Blogo

2 minutes My search for a reliable and aesthetically pleasing offline blog editor for Mac has led me to Blogo. I am excoriating myself for never having tried this puppy out earlier. I am so impressed by how easy this app makes blogging – every aspect from writing (in full screen mode when one needs to concentrate), … 


CookBook Pro

< 1 minute Impossibly hot – that was my proclamation right after I performed surgery on the MacBook Pro. It was uncomfortably hot around the area where the magsafe adapter plugs in, with temperatures ranging from 160-190 F (70C-90C for the metric minded) for the GPU Diode and similar for the CPU. Many fanbois claimed that this range … 


My New Toy – me new XBox360

3 minutes This post is hopelessly delayed and you’ll soon know why – but what a wonderful gift was I surprised with, on my birthday! Yes, this old man carved out another notch in the life chain on the 16th. Thanks you. But to the topic at hand! Rissa’s mom, dad and grandparents came to our place … 


Color Dropper in Leopard

< 1 minute One of the more useful features included in Leopard, and indispensible to nearly all Graphic artists and web developers alike is the system-wide Color Dropper included in Leopard – the "DigitalColor Meter". Fire it off from Spotlight or for you anal people – it is Applications-> Utilities -> DigitalColor Meter. A system wide color dropper …