9 minutes An era is at an end. After sixteen years of living at Munirka, having grown up there, having spent the most important years of our childhood there, we are moving out of our Munirka residence this evening. This is the home that love built… I was unsure how my feelings for Munirka would pan out… …
Checking from MSW07
< 1 minute Checking from Microsoft Office Word 2007, to see if I am able to post directly to my website… Tim@18:29 Edit: It works! WordPress CMS up and running, the way it should be! This is what you should see (for posterity) ;)
Hello world!
< 1 minute Welcome to the new and improved WordPress page, now hosted at sodhis.net. The main site shall remain the de facto Sodhi family portal. Pictures, vids and personal stuff, I shall keep updating on this WordPress (almost CMS) site! Off to configure it some more! Tally ho!
2 minutes And here I go, another successful home-working day. Or so I would like to think. Well, I shouldn’t be too hasty to condemn this day as an utter waste. I did get some writing finished, and am about to commence with the penultimate chapter of the article. It has been a very interesting ride so …
Terminals and I
2 minutes Strange title eh? But oddly enough, quite fitting, since the last few days, whatever machine I touch, happens to develop a bug! May it be my server, the client, the laptop or the terminals at the Bank. Speaking of which, I just returned from bonny ol’ ABN, having dragged my sick ol’ bum on my …
Microsoft OneCare Perpetual Beta
4 minutes It has indeed been a long time coming. But today I joined the “elite” a OneCare Beta tester for life! To what do I owe the honor? I guess it was filing bug reports and being active in the MS community. I really do feel happy for this, even though it basically translates to a …
Massacre at VT
2 minutes Still shell shocked, but so relieved that all my friends at VT are doing well. The hours pass as I keep myself glued to the TV screen watching the coverage from VA. Unbelievable, senseless, and so infuriating are some of the adjectives that pop into mind, with this massacre that occurred at one of the …