
5 minutes POWERBOOK G4 yes you read it right! I am the proud owner of a brand new spanking refurbrished Powerbook G4 with 2 years of Guarantee! It all happened in a tizzy this day! I was in Aachen with the Namesake, when we went to the Media Markt. He was the first to notice and bring … 


Qumano, Eurovision, iPhoto and all that

4 minutes What an absolute bugger! Qumano crashes my OSX faster than I can say “skimmed milk”. It is just an absolute nuisance. I don’t quite know what the reason is, but I am going to miss WYSIWYG editors for OSX. Unless of course I take the time out and code one for myself. It really is … 


Mac OS X, and I

4 minutes Finally made the switch! The impetus being my love’s acceptance to use Skype! So people I am BACK on Mac OS! What a great feeling is this, I can scarcely elucidate. I have completely ported all my documents, drives and music to Mac OS, and now have just OSX on my system. GOODBYE Windows, Goodbye … 


Enya and I

2 minutes Not many I know, would make their fondness of “Enya” public. But indeed, nothing helps me focus than her music. It is indeed weird for I have tried to listen to a lot of artists while I work, and most of them serve to distract me more than anything. Enya’s music on the other hand, … 


Marriage anniversary!

2 minutes Oh what a joyous day indeed! The 29th anniversary of my parents’ union! What a shame that I wasn’t able to attend for the 5th year running. Sometimes I just wonder why indeed must one live abroad, so far away from one’s family and loved ones. What’s there here, that I don’t have back home… … 


This and that…

3 minutes Well as one might’ve figured out by now, this has been an uneventful weekend, I just so wish I could’ve been there with my special someone. But instead I am stuck in good ol’ H, trying to while my time away – means and devices of which I find better each day. For instance today, … 


Site maintenance and all that

< 1 minute It has been some time since I updated here, though a lot of work has been going on, under the hood. The site has a new look, thanks to a new theme I found after much toil, sweat and tears. I managed to get quite a few of the plugins to work, though I had …