One week and all is well

3 minutes Just two weeks till I meet the love of my life for our first anniversary, in the city of dreams, a city that meant just so much to me, and has come to meet so much more, since Rissa and I fell in love there. How fitting then, to celebrate our first anniversary in that … 


Farewell Macbook Pro

< 1 minute Farewell Macbook Pro Well, as most of you know and are protesting, I have made up my mind to say fare-thee-well to my MBP. I decided, it was more important to have food on my table than to have an MBP on my lap. So well, the baby is up for adoption. The other Mac … 


Pathfinder, ever so good!

2 minutes People, people, people… It is with glee I announce to the world today that I have found the perfect replacement I have always searched for and yet never found. It is a simple thing called Pathfinder. No it is not a Mars mission, or even that horrible movie, it is a Finder replacement for OS … 


Macworld, back on Mac and all that

2 minutes Finally, after my long sojourn in the states, I am back, back in the NL and back at work, albeit with a heavy heart that yearns each minute for my Rissa. My love… This separation, so prolonged, takes its toll, though I am so happy that an end is in sight. OK Too much info! … 


We have snow!

< 1 minute DSC00578, originally uploaded by TimSodhi. After looong last, it is snowing ever so freely here! Check out the pix I have on Flickr! W00t!


Our tree… *sigh*

< 1 minute Our tree… *sigh*, originally uploaded by TimSodhi. We have a tree! Rissa and I decorated it on our anniversary! More pictures at, contact me, and I shall add you as my Friend/Contact, so that you can see the entire set! Cheers!


In NY, with my love

2 minutes Just so perfect, something I have dreamed of, for just so long, and today, after a seemingly interminable journey across the world, I am finally with my Rissa, just sitting next to her, as she studies, and we cuddle, watching TV together… Could there be a more perfect image? I am yet to conjure one. …