2 minutes April 10th, 2007, a date which shall live in infamy. So spake Tim the noble words. Well, not so much. But indeed a day to mourn, for this is the day that I bade farewell to my companion of 5 years, my noble Dell Inspiron 8200. I sit here in Utrecht typing away furiously on …
Goodbye, Farewell and Amen
4 minutes Very little progress on the health-front I am afraid. The bug seems to have fallen for me, ever so truly, madly, deeply. Argh. I am still unable to speak due to the soreness of me throat, but that stops me not from eating frozen yoghurt – O Timothy, wherefore art thou an idiot? Salt water …
Ill again
6 minutes Another prolonged wait till the next blog entry – for this I apologize. I haven’t been doing so peachy health-wise of late. A nagging cough, cold and a wee bitta fever, and here you have it, the ingredients for a lovely cocktail of germs. For the more squeamish amongst you, I apologize again. I did …
Monday, Bloody Monday
3 minutes Poetic license, had to change some in the original title of the song, from Sunday to Monday! The OU is back in full swing on the first day of the week again, and to kick things off this morning we had the OTEC plenair, the first for this year. Unfortunately the Big Boss is ill, …
Shopping and all that
2 minutes Well, here we go again, has been a while since I updated the blog. Not due to lack of interest, but rather the lack of developments the past few days. Got the feedback for my first draft from my supervisor, and indeed, the points made are valid and acting upon the same would really improve …
Happy Birthday Bro!
3 minutes Happy Birthday lil Brodemio! Happy 19th m8! Ah the celebrations that must be in order this evening, make me wish I were back home to celebrate with the lil’ one! Me bro sounded ever so happy on the phone as I rang him up 00:00 IST. Idiot, he was thinking of giving his birthday a …
Journal articles and all that
3 minutes Phew what a day this has been. How great is it, to sit down, and relax, knowing that the deadline you’d set for yourself this day, has been met, and then some? This was a day replete with fevered writing spells and worry over the short breaks I did manage to squeeze in. Rob had …