4 minutes Finally made the switch! The impetus being my love’s acceptance to use Skype! So people I am BACK on Mac OS! What a great feeling is this, I can scarcely elucidate. I have completely ported all my documents, drives and music to Mac OS, and now have just OSX on my system. GOODBYE Windows, Goodbye …
Enya and I
2 minutes Not many I know, would make their fondness of “Enya” public. But indeed, nothing helps me focus than her music. It is indeed weird for I have tried to listen to a lot of artists while I work, and most of them serve to distract me more than anything. Enya’s music on the other hand, …
Marriage anniversary!
2 minutes Oh what a joyous day indeed! The 29th anniversary of my parents’ union! What a shame that I wasn’t able to attend for the 5th year running. Sometimes I just wonder why indeed must one live abroad, so far away from one’s family and loved ones. What’s there here, that I don’t have back home… …
This and that…
3 minutes Well as one might’ve figured out by now, this has been an uneventful weekend, I just so wish I could’ve been there with my special someone. But instead I am stuck in good ol’ H, trying to while my time away – means and devices of which I find better each day. For instance today, …
Site maintenance and all that
< 1 minute It has been some time since I updated here, though a lot of work has been going on, under the hood. The site has a new look, thanks to a new theme I found after much toil, sweat and tears. I managed to get quite a few of the plugins to work, though I had …
Censorship and Digg
2 minutes Never thought it would come to this! How COULD you Digg! See and experience the awesome power of the Digg community when the echelons try to impose censorship! This is what results: So proud of my community, a community that stood up, looked the Digg-echelons in the eye, and calmly screamed out “NEIN”. Kudos to …
New Office Space
< 1 minute Tuesday! Finally back at the office after a rather long weekend. And boy do I have news! This afternoon, as Tally, de Jong and I returned from our customary walk in the Terworm, we noticed YMI packing up his belongings and carting them away to the elevator. It struck me then, it would indeed be …